Monday, November 14, 2011


Today I am going to do the sound voices and sound effects. Once that is done i want to add rain to scene 9 and also a drop sequence to Sal....then its full HD export time. I have a plan for that so hopefully it goes smoothly. I also need to make a dvd menu...

No sleep!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Only about 7 more shots to animate. How exciting! Hopefully be finished by the end of this week and then 2 weeks for postproduction and editing.

Vimeo has just launched a production music library, so if i have time i will mock up something from there for submission as i dont think Sheona will be finished on time...but she might be...hopefully definitely by the screening!

Going to record Avery and Sal's "voices" tomorrow, if Neale will give me the time...they dont really speak, just make noises so i need to make a sheet up with what i need and for which character.

I can taste the finish line! and it tastes oh so sweet!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Running Edit

So it's 4:20 AM and I'm calling it a night after working an 8 hour day and following it up with 8+ hours of animation. However, I believe it is safe to say "Clouded" should be completed . I have just finished off the first running edit in FCP, granted there is still about 30% incomplete but I think that's an okey amount to work with over the next 3 weeks.

I am sending that edit to Shoena tomorrow so I think in a week or two ill have some basic sound happening!

I am currently estimating running time to be 4.5 minutes, which explains a lot in regards to why this has been so fucking hard compared to last year.

On ward and upward. See everyone Tuesday x

Monday, October 17, 2011

Screening Program

I'm not 100& sure i did this right but i created a page for the screening program. I thing it captures most elements of the film.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Avery Run 01

Avery test run cycle. I will need to Photoshop is Pj's to work with these legs. I think I will create new legs with Pj's attached to each leg and then replace the footage. It should work. Will let you know.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Shot List * Updated

Last night at around 11pm after effects died in a hole. So I went around to Seamus's and fixed it up. That took about 25 minutes. But then at around 4am after a scotch and coke I emerged with a entirely different shot list and slight alter (again) story.

It is as follows:

scene 1

Shot 1 - Fix Fist smash. Only smash once?

Shot 2 – Sal climbs into shot. Focus pull to him climbing Balcony.


Shot 1 – 1 Cloud photo CP

Shot 2 – 2/3 Cloud photos MID

Shot 3 – Mid shot, Avery walks past close to camera

SCENE 2 – Now SC3

Shot 1 – Unchanged

Shot 2 – Tighten animation. Sleave is moving.

Shot 3 – Unchanged

Shot 4 – Add headshake? More aggression/frustration

Shot 5* - Tighter version on SH2. Avery throws brush at Canvas

Shot 6* - Paintbrush rolls outside. Avery’s legs in shot, walks OFS, focus shift to Sal, looking at paintbrush

Shot 7 – Sal places brush on desk, next to lamp. Two hands

Shot 8 – Avery throws canvas down chimney

Shot 9 – Clouds erupt into sky

SCENE 3 – Now SC4

Shot 1 – Tight shot, chimney, Clouds flow into sky

Shot 2 – Clouds form, Raindrops emerge

Shot 3 – Avery watches sky. Blinks

Shot 4 – Watches clouds drift by. Becomes angry.

Shot 5 – Turns back. Takes photo with external flash in other hand

Shot 6* – Fades in from white out, photo prints, corresponding noise

SCENE 4 NEW* - Now SC5

Shot 1 – Avery looks at photo. Begins to anger

Shot 2 – Cut to Avery flicking switch to sad face*

SCENE 5 – Now SC6

Shot 1 – Clouds get sucked out of sky. Rain drops fall.

Shot 2 – Clouds reversing down chimney.

SCENE 6 – Now SC7

Shot 1 – Avery walks past clouds flowing back down chimney

Shot 2 – Avery hangs picture. Pause and settle for longer

Shot 3 – Avery kicks off ladder

Shot 4 – Avery fly’s past

Shot 5 – Avery goes out of shot and back. Longer pause at photo.

Shot 6* - Reaction shot: Avery face Sighs

Shot 7 – Avery slumps into chair, see brush next to lamp

Shot 8 – Same as SC2SH7, Focus pull to Avery in BG. Confused.

SCENE 7 – Now SC8

Shot 1 – Arms and picture

Shot 2 – Sal looks at old photo, then sighs


Lightning not completely black. Just faded then lighting strikes and lights, still leaving dark patches but over exposing what it touches. Strobe effect?

Shot 1 – Bed, sleeping

Shot 2 – Sal into shot, holding picture

Shot 3 – Avery Awake

Shot 4 – Avery walks past beam. Sal from behind beam

Shot 5 – Sal follows after, leaving wet foot prints

Shot 6 – Low angle Avery looking around

Shot 7 – Avery POV, Sal into shot

Shot 8 – Avery reaction, Sal in corner

Shot 9 – Sal falls back down into shot (same as SC9SH7)

Shot 10 – Sal runs from shot, paint pots drop. Avery runs past

Shot 11 * - (Old SC4SH2) Sal runs past, Avery chase

Shot 12 – Sal runs along bed end. Leaves paint footprints

Shot 13 – Sal runs across desk, Avery stumbles on desk tyring to catch Sal

Shot 14 – (Old SC6SH3) Sal stands on Chimney rail, looks back

Shot 15 – Avery yells out for him to wait

Shot 16 - (Old SC6SH3, adjust from shot14) Sal swings arms back ready to jump

Shot 17 – Avery grabs picture

Shot 18 – Sal falls down chimney and photos catches wind and floats down

Shot 19 - (Old SC6SH3, adjust from shot16) Avery watches the photo catch wind and float down

Shot 20* – Top view, down chimney, photo slowly falls down, fading into darkness. Pause at end then slight glint of light.

Shot 21 – Avery stands and watches clouds spew from chimney


Shot 1 – Avery stands on balcony looking at sky

Shot 2 – CU of Avery face. Amazed

Shot 3 – Sal falls into shot photo floats down after him

Shot 4 – Avery bends down for photo, returns holding it. Sal joins him at the railing. Avery points to him self and Sal nods

Shot 5 – Avery is holding photo up. Drops to reveal sky same as image.


Shot 1 – Avery places old image into frame. Kicks ladder out of shot.

Roll credits

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Just to let you know, AE is averaging a crash every 25 minutes. Maybe working in full HD wasnt such a great Idea


Red = completely unfinished
Orange = Some elements finished
Green = Finished for now

Finished for now means that lighting and colour grade has yet to be done but for now, It can be left alone.

Colour coded RC

Example of an Orange Scene's shots

Animation Animation

Its been a rather lengthily time between posts. Been animating and editing and editing and animating. SC2 is completed (more or less) as is SC1 and most of SC3. SC4 is also things are moving along. Got plenty to do still....Hopefully have all character animation finished by Monday but that could be a stretch. After that I still need to animate the clouds and also the water drips from Sal and Co. The story has come a long way recently and I think the changes reflect me better.

Ive been meaning to get some more things to Sheona
, but I am meeting her Wednesday. I need to give her the new RC and also a emotional timeline. I should have done that earlier but I realised I gave her the only copy with the time code on it and FCP is not working on my Mac ATM. Will get that all fixed up this week.

In other news, I discovered the ABC Jazz music app which is amazing. Rather content listening to it.

Not long till the end. Couple of assignments coming up which will need some attending too...Might look into those at work tonight...I need to start the Showreel pretty soon as well as packaging for it.

Anyways, heres my latest update from AE. Its just swell..

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New Running Comp

So after my melt down on friday, I have come out with a new Scene 6 and slightly ajusted some other shots to fit the update storyline.

I met with Sheona (composer) yesterday and gave her the running comp with the SMPTE coding on it. I now need to write her a list of emoitional points as per the timing so she can really work the sound to drive the story. I am meeting her again on the 12th of October to see how things are comming. Hopefully I will have the running comp finished by then.

From Monday the 26th I am going to start halling ass! I have alot to do a very little time to do it.
Still aiming to finish animating by the start of October, or at least first week back.

From there I need to edit and light everything...

This weekend will most likely be a ride off but as I said from monday I am just going to power through to the end....No going out untill November 11/11/11

See you on the other side :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011



Saturday, September 17, 2011


So I had a mild breakdown on Friday night at around 4am...I rewrote "Clouded" and kinda changed what it was about...the premis...kinda...I dont really want to go into to much detail cos it makes me feel stressed.

I have re storyboarded and am currently working through shots that I know will be in it regardless until I have figure things out more clearly.

Below is a test for the Chimney clouds, sorry Jack but I've decided to stare away from 3D...I think it looks nice...but might need some further refinements...It's definitely working though.

As I was saying before...I have cut out a few things and added some other things in...Avery now takes Polaroids of his paintings...and hangs them where the book self use to be...Sal has one of these images..
In other news, I am meeting Shenona tomorrow to give her a copy of the RC and the Animatic...which needs that some things have changed..She is going to compose something that can be altered as I have told her the timing isn't 100% locked down. But I will do my best this afternoon to get It a little closer.

I have told work I can only do 3 shifts a week during October, compared to my casual 5 shifts a week ATM.

I am feeling slightly better since Saturday morning...but still overwhelmed and slightly like im drowning...
Will update soon!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Screen Shots from Today

Today I didn't go to Uni and have spent the day working on Clouded.

I ended up making a paint brush as Avery is going to have to paint things...I now need to figure out how he is going to paint the paintings....I think i will do something similar to the way i did my titles last year.

Which leads me to SC2 the next mountain to climb. This is a really important scene as it establishes Avery and his attitude towards his world. This is also a scene where you see him at a lot of deferent angles...and thus he needs beards for all of these i decided to stop procrastinating and actually make his proper beards. Which means I am going to have to replace them in things like his Walk cycle and SC4...but I dont thi
nk it will be to hard.

So after finishing this post I will go replace the beards and then continue to hike up mountain all those shots need beards and paint brushes too.


I played around with lighting this scene a little. I want it to feel warm like sunrise but cold due to the location of the environment. This might be a little green but I do like some of what it's bringing to the table. The sky also looks very dull without any clouds...but It's unavoidable due to the fact he has to paint them before there are clouds in the sky.

Speaking of clouds, I asked Jack about creating the chimney clouds in the time I thought it would be okay but now i think about it more im thinking that maybe I should stick to something more 2D. Seamus had a few ideas so I will do some tests and report back.

I also added some turbulent displace to one of my drawn clouds and it looks pretty interesting... like jelly.

Screen Shots from yesterday

Something weird was going on with my 3D layers in this shot...i managed to fix it but below is the example...also AE keeps crashing and it's pissing me off.

Ive basically finished SC4...but there are things to fix up...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Avery Animation


But in all honesty its ruining my life and some reason AE keeps crashing on least its considerate enough to save before crashing but its still very just frustrating.

So as mentioned above I am animating Avery throwing a canvas
down the chimney...jesus its hard...even with the wonderful reference Darren made me..It probably would have been 100000X quicker to actually hand draw each fr
ame now I think about it but oh late now...I worked on it for about 3 hours yesterday and decided to scrap what i
d done and start again..So i did just that at 8:30 this morning and have only just pretty much finished now (1:45)...

It looks okay...not great...not shit...but okay. I think it's workable...makes the bloody walk cycle feel like an amazing dream...

Anyways I have work pretty soon, so I will upload what I have done (
maybe not a video but ill try)

I'm going to try get some other shots down and work and maybe edit this throw into another shot...

Will keep you updated as usual.

Something weird is going on with exports look completely different to the comp...No videos right now..sorry!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sal Run Cycle (The Beginning)

This took me about....3.5 Its clearly rough...but might possibly work...with a few adjustments. I'm currently waiting for Jack to go over my lesson plan.

Which is:

--> Front run cycle Sal
--> Run cycle Avery - Referring to ASK
--> Place Avery into SC4_SH1
--> Remove SC4_SH2
--> Block out remainder of Running comp with characters

Also I sussed out my Week 10 milestones also:

--> Finish ALL character animation
--> Have begun visual effects (such as: Rain and water, lightning, clouds)
--> Have sky backgrounds completed and ready for cloud animation
--> Have some sound track options (possibly make own in sound track pro + check out unearthed)
--> Confirm with Pip that WTFN will do spot effects (possible long shot)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Avery Walk Cycle

Only took me approx. 4.5 hours this morning but I think I finally have Avery's walk looking okay. The arms dont swing much atm as I was testing the idea of him being one of those weird people who dont move there arms much when the walk. It looks pretty funny, I think I will try and incorporate it...still needs adjusting though.

I have work now, so I might try and get Sal running...I also want to combine the Animation into a background and see how it's looking. I also need to finish adding the character place holders into the animatic..something I will also try to get happening at work tonight.


I decided as from today I am going to start taking pride in this animation and leave behind any bad feelings because there isn't going to be a worse feeling then reget at the screening. I am officially going to give it my all and then at least I tried my hardest regardless of the results. So hopefully with this attitude change I will begin to produce some nice stuff...Lots of visual effects to do, so hopefully I can make something really worth while!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Avery Walk Cycle (The Beginning)

Spent a little while this morning trying again. Still not right but better then last nights attempts. I think ill start again from scratch once more and see what happens. I'm also going to try a few other cycles like a run and a sneak. This might also look weird because its 3/4 puppet doing a profile walk but I am just going to disregard that and continue on my voyage.

Avery Walk Cycle (The Beginning)

Everything about this makes me laugh. His slight limp, his frankenstein arms that dont move, the ridiculously over the top head bob. Will try again tomorrow...hopefully with better results!

Night all! Just taken some sweet night time cold and flu tabs...winning.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A new day...

While I may be bed ridden and using a pack of tissues and hour, its a new day and im going to try and stay positive and make the most of it.

Today i hope to achieve the following:

--> Add characters to appropriate scenes and block out animation.
By doing this I hope to achieve a better understanding of "Clouded" timing as I dont believe my animatic is a true representation of it.

Once I have blocked out the animation, I think i will render the entire running comp out and use it as a reference instead of the orignal animatic.

There are a few shots in the RC that are currently represented by the SB frame. I want to work to get ride of those instances and replace them before I get to distracted with other things.

From here i want to:

--> Start animating Avery. Walk cycle, Run cycle etc. I need to go through the SB and make an animation list (I think I may have already done it, Ill get back to you)

I feel like if i can achieve most if not all of this today I will be in a good position and can stress less...


What needs to be done & When?

--> Avery's Cloud beard: Currently taking a back burner, I have a few ideas i still need to toy with and if those dont work, I might revert back to the original plan of creating a 2D cycle and masking the beard to it in AE

--> Avery's Clouds: I think i want these to be orbs, which collect together and then in a high flash of light explode into a cloud. Kinda like fireworks...something spectacular. This still needs research but i think its achievable. I thought it would be cool if at the end the orbs where colourful and created a coloured a beautiful sunset..perhaps more tricky then first envisioned.

--> Lighting and Colour grade: While important I think I will leave this until most elements are complete. Jack is really good at this sort of thing so I will be sourcing his assistance

--> Sal's watery drops: This might need to be 2D also. I think i will animate a couple of different drops and add them in after. Might also require jacks assistance for this one

Okay for the 1st of September today

If I aim to have ALL the animation (excluding the sky) done by the end of the month then October wil be devoted to visual effects and post...then the first two weeks of November for editing and exporting...


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Clouded Running Comp Play Blast

Took me ages to get this onto the blog. Every time I exported it was too now its small and looks crappy but its here so enjoy!

I think my animatic timing is unrealistic...I'm going to go through now and block out the animation and get a better sense of timing.

From there I think i will start animating, starting small.

I feel like there is 100000 things on my mind that need to be done and I cant concentrate on just on thing..I am going to need to make a list...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Backgrounds coming to a close...

Almost finished...going to get up early and finish the last couple....these last ones seem to be taking me ages! I have put in some moc lighting...i doubt it will look like that during the lightning storm! Couple more milestones to finish:
--> Clouds and pallet (this is basically done just need some quick refinements)
--> Puppet rain drops (Havent done this)
--> Begin running comp and AE (Will start and finish tomorrow)

If i can do what i need to before tomorrow i would probably give myself about a 4-5....

Starting animating this week...wish me luck!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

DVD Cover

First version of "Clouded" DVD case. Not 100% on it but it will work for now! Below is with Measurements and without.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hola!! From Mexico!

So after visiting Disneyland I'm feeling very inspired and ready to just a quick stop in mexico for relaxation then back home for Production time!!

See you all soon!

Monday, August 1, 2011


Week 5 Milestones

End Week 1:
Finished all current backgrounds
Make list of all other backgrounds
Take Maya images of said backgrounds
Add props and position into Maya scene. Take layout images and render props positions
Draw clouds and create running colour pallet

End Week 5:
Have ALL backgrounds finish
Create 2-5 raindrop puppets
Ensemble environment/backgrounds in AE
Ready to animate, starting Week 6

So far i have finished all current backgrounds and have made the list. I havent taken the images from Maya just yet but will do that tomorrow. I have drawn the clouds up and made a pallet. I am defiantly on track for my departure wednesday.

I did some animation tests with Avery's puppet today. He is moving well and i feel very sure that the animation will be a breeze in comparison to other things im planing.

I also did some more beard tests. I finally feel like im getting somewhere with it so once Ive got a proper test i will upload it.

Probably only do one more update before i leave and that will be tomorrow. SO until then!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Avery Puppet Updated

I've decided that since Avery's is seen in bed a few times he needs Pj's.

16 Backgrounds and counting....

Had a few ideas regarding the clouds...i think it will be way different to how i first imagined it. Will do some tests and upload.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

More Bakgrounds...

Still chipping away at the backgrounds...I've completed 8 out of about 20...which when you put it like doesn't seem like much. Around 2.5 weeks until we are back at uni and 3.5 until I'm off to America. I think i will take my laptop with me so at least i have the option.

My POA for the next 3 weeks is to basically get all the backgrounds that I have references for completed and then to begin the Animation...I think i will just start with the key posses and work my way through. From there i still need to do:

--> The Sky/Clouds
--> Avery's Beard
--> The Lightning sequence
--> The dream sequences
--> The rainbow sequence

and probably about 10000000 more other things....

But look...ahhh prettty...Avery looks a bit spesh...just chucked him in again as a reference...

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Finally backgrounds are in full swing. I just going at a steady pace doing maybe 1.5 a day... I dont have references for all my props so some of them might have to be added a bit later but at least the general form for the shot is coming together...dont want to upload too much to the blog at this some things remain a bit of a mystery! BUT i will show you this one...

Avery is not in the right place, he basically just works as a size reference atm

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

That moment when things just work...

Finally! It was sometime yesterday when i was making Avery's bed when everything clicked. The texture, the colours and the environment just work. Its such a nice feeling!

Avery's bed added to SC1_SH2
(static prop)

Building the divider (static prop)

and finally...presenting the first completed background for "Clouded"....SC1_SH2

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Props: The Begining

Now i have most of the environmental build down pat i thought i should start on the MANY props for Avery's Chimney.

First off the block..The in progress...

Colour grades

Agh i really enjoy the Sepia one..but i must push through the erge.. Black and Whites not doing anything for me but it could make the rainbow screen much more dramatic. I like the second one its a quite washed out version of the original. It needs to feel like a cold environment and i think the grays really help get that across. Obviously there is no lighting yet but i think i will continue to build the rest of the backgrounds without props and see how it looks.

You may notice that the orignal has sideways posts on the external fence and the others do not. Its another thing im deciding one. I think it looks less busy...but we will see as we go. I think one the there is a shot with the ext fence and the int fence it will make a difference and be much easier to distinguish both.

Seamus made a comment to me early on about how it still look's 3D and not very organic. For ages i tried to stare away from that and make it more organic but eventually ive decided its not an organic environment like last time. There are no trees and grass..its just a big concert mass in the sky. Im not super excited about it looking 3D but i think once the sky is in place and Avery's beard it will soften up a lot (I hope)

Test Background

After many weeks of playing with colours and textures...i have come up with this... still not 100% sold but its getting there...I havent done any lighting or colour grading...hmmm. Decided to add Avery in for good measure. He works as a size comparison for now.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Today i am working on...

Sal's Puppet Build..

Took me a little while to get the textures working right but i think im happy with this. He needed to match Avery a little better so i used a similar paper texture as well as some splatters to make him look more like water/rain. His legs are drips running from his little body which i think is cool. Still need to do profile and 3/4.

Ill finish it off now, and if not at work tonight. Then tomorrow we begin the environment dreading it but i have a few ideas up my sleeve so ill give them a go and report back.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Today i finished...

Avery's puppet build.

It only took 2 and a half sessions to finish over this week, so thats pretty good. Now i just need to sort out his beard so he can stop looking like such a freak.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Today i am working on...

Avery's puppet build.

I have set up a PS doc with all the textures and a colour pallet so everything is in the one place. I have completed the 3/4 and front puppet. The other two are yet to be down and are currently just as a reference.

I think i will start Sal's puppet build either this afternoon or tomorrow. I have made a schedule for the next 7 weeks. It outlines when I'm working and when i will be doing "Clouded Production". So far so good!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

SC9_SH4 Animation Test

Below is my finished animation test. I beard is sub par but it fills its purpose for now. The rain drops need work. I think they need to be a standard shape and size unlike my original plan to have them all different. Over the break i am going to work on getting everything set up and ready to animate. I want to start animating in August. Then all thats to be done is post, around October.

I feel like I'm on track even though i'm doing things differently to most. Anyways enjoy. I have added a few more rain drops for effect.

SC9_SH4 from Isobelle Taylor on Vimeo.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Tracking Document

I have updated the Production Plan tab with the tracking document. All the new things are in red and i have also added the updated "Clouded Schedule"

I wouldnt read it unless you are Jack or need to go to sleep sometime soon!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


So heres the second version of the same shot's animation test. I dont no if the whole beam would move but its close enough for now. The colour grade is really nice. I think ill keep something simlar to this for the night time scenes and then in the day maybe a nice sepia yellow tin.

Im currently working on Avery's beard. Just doing some tests. So once i have a test of that ill add it to this scene.

Clouded Animation Test from Isobelle Taylor on Vimeo.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Animation Test

Im really happy with this. Avery looks a bit funny but that is only because he doesn't have a beard yet. The beard will be added in after. Anyways this is the scene where Avery wakes up in the middle of the night and has to rush outside as it's raining. In this shot the Raindrop creatures are standing on the balcony, facing Avery. As the wiper fall into place Avery follows then glares to the Raindrops. The drops are swiftly swept off the balcony and Avery dusts his hands.

SC9_SH4 from Isobelle Taylor on Vimeo.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Production Journal Review

I have completed a 500 word account of the pre production process. Please find under relevant tab.

Character Scales

I'm happy with how this looks. I think Sal's height compliments Avery. I think the other raindrops will be shorter and fatter as to keep Sal distinguishable.

Aministration Work

As pre production comes to a close, im finishing off the last bits of admin. The flow chart was really rushed but it basically outlines what needs to be done/what has already been done.

The Pipeline below is done by weeks. If i can actually stick to its timeline i will be in a good postion before i go to the USA. I need to get alot of work done before the end of semester as once i finish on the 03/06/11 and im basically not back untill the 23/08/11.

I want the following ready/complete before the end of the system:
--> backgrounds ready for colour
--> Animation tests complete
--> Avery puppet ready to animate
--> Sal puppet ready to animate

Sal Development

Its been awhile since i focused just on Sal. I still haven't really put a lot of time into him but then again i think hes a pretty simple character so time is probably better spent elsewhere.

In terms of colour development i like all of them except the left blue. I think whatever colour i choose i will do the other drops the opposite colour so Sal is more distinguishable.


I have created a 3D environment in Maya. Basically i is going to be use as a visual reference for angles and perspective. Last year i really struggled for references as what i was looking to reference didn't actually exist. Its working really well for me to have a reference which was made specially for my production.
Below are some image files i have saved from a render. I have seperated all elements onto layers and now i just need to apply my colour pallet and build the enviroment with my refernce shots in toe.
Most of the elements repeat, like the beams and the fences so i should only have to colour them each once of twice (the angles change sometimes)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Video Block

Just finished editing my video block. Its pretty awful but here are some screen shots VS the orignal storyboard.