Pre Production 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Running Edit
Monday, October 17, 2011
Screening Program
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Avery Run 01
Friday, October 7, 2011
Shot List * Updated
scene 1
Shot 1 - Fix Fist smash. Only smash once?
Shot 2 – Sal climbs into shot. Focus pull to him climbing Balcony.
Shot 1 – 1 Cloud photo CP
Shot 2 – 2/3 Cloud photos MID
Shot 3 – Mid shot, Avery walks past close to camera
SCENE 2 – Now SC3
Shot 1 – Unchanged
Shot 2 – Tighten animation. Sleave is moving.
Shot 3 – Unchanged
Shot 4 – Add headshake? More aggression/frustration
Shot 5* - Tighter version on SH2. Avery throws brush at Canvas
Shot 6* - Paintbrush rolls outside. Avery’s legs in shot, walks OFS, focus shift to Sal, looking at paintbrush
Shot 7 – Sal places brush on desk, next to lamp. Two hands
Shot 8 – Avery throws canvas down chimney
Shot 9 – Clouds erupt into sky
SCENE 3 – Now SC4
Shot 1 – Tight shot, chimney, Clouds flow into sky
Shot 2 – Clouds form, Raindrops emerge
Shot 3 – Avery watches sky. Blinks
Shot 4 – Watches clouds drift by. Becomes angry.
Shot 5 – Turns back. Takes photo with external flash in other hand
Shot 6* – Fades in from white out, photo prints, corresponding noise
SCENE 4 NEW* - Now SC5
Shot 1 – Avery looks at photo. Begins to anger
Shot 2 – Cut to Avery flicking switch to sad face*
SCENE 5 – Now SC6
Shot 1 – Clouds get sucked out of sky. Rain drops fall.
Shot 2 – Clouds reversing down chimney.
SCENE 6 – Now SC7
Shot 1 – Avery walks past clouds flowing back down chimney
Shot 2 – Avery hangs picture. Pause and settle for longer
Shot 3 – Avery kicks off ladder
Shot 4 – Avery fly’s past
Shot 5 – Avery goes out of shot and back. Longer pause at photo.
Shot 6* - Reaction shot: Avery face Sighs
Shot 7 – Avery slumps into chair, see brush next to lamp
Shot 8 – Same as SC2SH7, Focus pull to Avery in BG. Confused.
SCENE 7 – Now SC8
Shot 1 – Arms and picture
Shot 2 – Sal looks at old photo, then sighs
Lightning not completely black. Just faded then lighting strikes and lights, still leaving dark patches but over exposing what it touches. Strobe effect?
Shot 1 – Bed, sleeping
Shot 2 – Sal into shot, holding picture
Shot 3 – Avery Awake
Shot 4 – Avery walks past beam. Sal from behind beam
Shot 5 – Sal follows after, leaving wet foot prints
Shot 6 – Low angle Avery looking around
Shot 7 – Avery POV, Sal into shot
Shot 8 – Avery reaction, Sal in corner
Shot 9 – Sal falls back down into shot (same as SC9SH7)
Shot 10 – Sal runs from shot, paint pots drop. Avery runs past
Shot 11 * - (Old SC4SH2) Sal runs past, Avery chase
Shot 12 – Sal runs along bed end. Leaves paint footprints
Shot 13 – Sal runs across desk, Avery stumbles on desk tyring to catch Sal
Shot 14 – (Old SC6SH3) Sal stands on Chimney rail, looks back
Shot 15 – Avery yells out for him to wait
Shot 16 - (Old SC6SH3, adjust from shot14) Sal swings arms back ready to jump
Shot 17 – Avery grabs picture
Shot 18 – Sal falls down chimney and photos catches wind and floats down
Shot 19 - (Old SC6SH3, adjust from shot16) Avery watches the photo catch wind and float down
Shot 20* – Top view, down chimney, photo slowly falls down, fading into darkness. Pause at end then slight glint of light.
Shot 21 – Avery stands and watches clouds spew from chimney
Shot 1 – Avery stands on balcony looking at sky
Shot 2 – CU of Avery face. Amazed
Shot 3 – Sal falls into shot photo floats down after him
Shot 4 – Avery bends down for photo, returns holding it. Sal joins him at the railing. Avery points to him self and Sal nods
Shot 5 – Avery is holding photo up. Drops to reveal sky same as image.
Shot 1 – Avery places old image into frame. Kicks ladder out of shot.
Roll credits
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Animation Animation

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
New Running Comp
I met with Sheona (composer) yesterday and gave her the running comp with the SMPTE coding on it. I now need to write her a list of emoitional points as per the timing so she can really work the sound to drive the story. I am meeting her again on the 12th of October to see how things are comming. Hopefully I will have the running comp finished by then.
From Monday the 26th I am going to start halling ass! I have alot to do a very little time to do it.
Still aiming to finish animating by the start of October, or at least first week back.
From there I need to edit and light everything...
This weekend will most likely be a ride off but as I said from monday I am just going to power through to the end....No going out untill November 11/11/11
See you on the other side :)
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Screen Shots from Today

Screen Shots from yesterday

Sunday, September 11, 2011
Avery Animation

Monday, September 5, 2011
Sal Run Cycle (The Beginning)
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Avery Walk Cycle
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Avery Walk Cycle (The Beginning)
Avery Walk Cycle (The Beginning)
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
A new day...
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Clouded Running Comp Play Blast
Monday, August 29, 2011
Backgrounds coming to a close...

Almost finished...going to get up early and finish the last couple....these last ones seem to be taking me ages! I have put in some moc lighting...i doubt it will look like that during the lightning storm! Couple more milestones to finish:
Sunday, August 21, 2011
DVD Cover
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Hola!! From Mexico!
See you all soon!
Monday, August 1, 2011
End Week 1:
Finished all current backgrounds
Make list of all other backgrounds
Take Maya images of said backgrounds
Add props and position into Maya scene. Take layout images and render props positions
Draw clouds and create running colour pallet
End Week 5:
Have ALL backgrounds finish
Create 2-5 raindrop puppets
Ensemble environment/backgrounds in AE
Ready to animate, starting Week 6
So far i have finished all current backgrounds and have made the list. I havent taken the images from Maya just yet but will do that tomorrow. I have drawn the clouds up and made a pallet. I am defiantly on track for my departure wednesday.
I did some animation tests with Avery's puppet today. He is moving well and i feel very sure that the animation will be a breeze in comparison to other things im planing.
I also did some more beard tests. I finally feel like im getting somewhere with it so once Ive got a proper test i will upload it.
Probably only do one more update before i leave and that will be tomorrow. SO until then!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
16 Backgrounds and counting....
Thursday, July 7, 2011
More Bakgrounds...
My POA for the next 3 weeks is to basically get all the backgrounds that I have references for completed and then to begin the Animation...I think i will just start with the key posses and work my way through. From there i still need to do:
--> The Sky/Clouds
--> Avery's Beard
--> The Lightning sequence
--> The dream sequences
--> The rainbow sequence
and probably about 10000000 more other things....
But look...ahhh prettty...Avery looks a bit spesh...just chucked him in again as a reference...

Sunday, July 3, 2011
Avery is not in the right place, he basically just works as a size reference atm

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
That moment when things just work...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Props: The Begining
First off the block..The in progress...
Colour grades

Test Background

Sunday, June 12, 2011
Today i am working on...
Took me a little while to get the textures working right but i think im happy with this. He needed to match Avery a little better so i used a similar paper texture as well as some splatters to make him look more like water/rain. His legs are drips running from his little body which i think is cool. Still need to do profile and 3/4.
Ill finish it off now, and if not at work tonight. Then tomorrow we begin the environment dreading it but i have a few ideas up my sleeve so ill give them a go and report back.

Thursday, June 9, 2011
Today i finished...

Monday, June 6, 2011
Today i am working on...

Thursday, June 2, 2011
SC9_SH4 Animation Test
SC9_SH4 from Isobelle Taylor on Vimeo.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Tracking Document
I wouldnt read it unless you are Jack or need to go to sleep sometime soon!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Im currently working on Avery's beard. Just doing some tests. So once i have a test of that ill add it to this scene.
Clouded Animation Test from Isobelle Taylor on Vimeo.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Animation Test
SC9_SH4 from Isobelle Taylor on Vimeo.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Production Journal Review
Character Scales
Aministration Work
The Pipeline below is done by weeks. If i can actually stick to its timeline i will be in a good postion before i go to the USA. I need to get alot of work done before the end of semester as once i finish on the 03/06/11 and im basically not back untill the 23/08/11.
I want the following ready/complete before the end of the system:
--> backgrounds ready for colour
--> Animation tests complete
--> Avery puppet ready to animate
--> Sal puppet ready to animate

Sal Development
In terms of colour development i like all of them except the left blue. I think whatever colour i choose i will do the other drops the opposite colour so Sal is more distinguishable.
Below are some image files i have saved from a render. I have seperated all elements onto layers and now i just need to apply my colour pallet and build the enviroment with my refernce shots in toe.
Most of the elements repeat, like the beams and the fences so i should only have to colour them each once of twice (the angles change sometimes)