Saturday, September 17, 2011


So I had a mild breakdown on Friday night at around 4am...I rewrote "Clouded" and kinda changed what it was about...the premis...kinda...I dont really want to go into to much detail cos it makes me feel stressed.

I have re storyboarded and am currently working through shots that I know will be in it regardless until I have figure things out more clearly.

Below is a test for the Chimney clouds, sorry Jack but I've decided to stare away from 3D...I think it looks nice...but might need some further refinements...It's definitely working though.

As I was saying before...I have cut out a few things and added some other things in...Avery now takes Polaroids of his paintings...and hangs them where the book self use to be...Sal has one of these images..
In other news, I am meeting Shenona tomorrow to give her a copy of the RC and the Animatic...which needs that some things have changed..She is going to compose something that can be altered as I have told her the timing isn't 100% locked down. But I will do my best this afternoon to get It a little closer.

I have told work I can only do 3 shifts a week during October, compared to my casual 5 shifts a week ATM.

I am feeling slightly better since Saturday morning...but still overwhelmed and slightly like im drowning...
Will update soon!


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