Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Colour grades

Agh i really enjoy the Sepia one..but i must push through the erge.. Black and Whites not doing anything for me but it could make the rainbow screen much more dramatic. I like the second one its a quite washed out version of the original. It needs to feel like a cold environment and i think the grays really help get that across. Obviously there is no lighting yet but i think i will continue to build the rest of the backgrounds without props and see how it looks.

You may notice that the orignal has sideways posts on the external fence and the others do not. Its another thing im deciding one. I think it looks less busy...but we will see as we go. I think one the there is a shot with the ext fence and the int fence it will make a difference and be much easier to distinguish both.

Seamus made a comment to me early on about how it still look's 3D and not very organic. For ages i tried to stare away from that and make it more organic but eventually ive decided its not an organic environment like last time. There are no trees and grass..its just a big concert mass in the sky. Im not super excited about it looking 3D but i think once the sky is in place and Avery's beard it will soften up a lot (I hope)

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