Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A new day...

While I may be bed ridden and using a pack of tissues and hour, its a new day and im going to try and stay positive and make the most of it.

Today i hope to achieve the following:

--> Add characters to appropriate scenes and block out animation.
By doing this I hope to achieve a better understanding of "Clouded" timing as I dont believe my animatic is a true representation of it.

Once I have blocked out the animation, I think i will render the entire running comp out and use it as a reference instead of the orignal animatic.

There are a few shots in the RC that are currently represented by the SB frame. I want to work to get ride of those instances and replace them before I get to distracted with other things.

From here i want to:

--> Start animating Avery. Walk cycle, Run cycle etc. I need to go through the SB and make an animation list (I think I may have already done it, Ill get back to you)

I feel like if i can achieve most if not all of this today I will be in a good position and can stress less...


What needs to be done & When?

--> Avery's Cloud beard: Currently taking a back burner, I have a few ideas i still need to toy with and if those dont work, I might revert back to the original plan of creating a 2D cycle and masking the beard to it in AE

--> Avery's Clouds: I think i want these to be orbs, which collect together and then in a high flash of light explode into a cloud. Kinda like fireworks...something spectacular. This still needs research but i think its achievable. I thought it would be cool if at the end the orbs where colourful and created a coloured a beautiful sunset..perhaps more tricky then first envisioned.

--> Lighting and Colour grade: While important I think I will leave this until most elements are complete. Jack is really good at this sort of thing so I will be sourcing his assistance

--> Sal's watery drops: This might need to be 2D also. I think i will animate a couple of different drops and add them in after. Might also require jacks assistance for this one

Okay for the 1st of September today

If I aim to have ALL the animation (excluding the sky) done by the end of the month then October wil be devoted to visual effects and post...then the first two weeks of November for editing and exporting...


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