Monday, August 1, 2011


Week 5 Milestones

End Week 1:
Finished all current backgrounds
Make list of all other backgrounds
Take Maya images of said backgrounds
Add props and position into Maya scene. Take layout images and render props positions
Draw clouds and create running colour pallet

End Week 5:
Have ALL backgrounds finish
Create 2-5 raindrop puppets
Ensemble environment/backgrounds in AE
Ready to animate, starting Week 6

So far i have finished all current backgrounds and have made the list. I havent taken the images from Maya just yet but will do that tomorrow. I have drawn the clouds up and made a pallet. I am defiantly on track for my departure wednesday.

I did some animation tests with Avery's puppet today. He is moving well and i feel very sure that the animation will be a breeze in comparison to other things im planing.

I also did some more beard tests. I finally feel like im getting somewhere with it so once Ive got a proper test i will upload it.

Probably only do one more update before i leave and that will be tomorrow. SO until then!

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