Its been a rather lengthily time between posts. Been animating and editing and editing and animating. SC2 is completed (more or less) as is SC1 and most of SC3. SC4 is also things are moving along. Got plenty to do still....Hopefully have all character animation finished by Monday but that could be a stretch. After that I still need to animate the clouds and also the water drips from Sal and Co. The story has come a long way recently and I think the changes reflect me better.
Ive been meaning to get some more things to Sheona
, but I am meeting her Wednesday. I need to give her the new RC and also a emotional timeline. I should have done that earlier but I realised I gave her the only copy with the time code on it and FCP is not working on my Mac ATM. Will get that all fixed up this week.
In other news, I discovered the ABC Jazz music app which is amazing. Rather content listening to it.
Not long till the end. Couple of assignments coming up which will need some attending too...Might look into those at work tonight...I need to start the Showreel pretty soon as well as packaging for it.
Anyways, heres my latest update from AE. Its just swell..

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