Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New Running Comp

So after my melt down on friday, I have come out with a new Scene 6 and slightly ajusted some other shots to fit the update storyline.

I met with Sheona (composer) yesterday and gave her the running comp with the SMPTE coding on it. I now need to write her a list of emoitional points as per the timing so she can really work the sound to drive the story. I am meeting her again on the 12th of October to see how things are comming. Hopefully I will have the running comp finished by then.

From Monday the 26th I am going to start halling ass! I have alot to do a very little time to do it.
Still aiming to finish animating by the start of October, or at least first week back.

From there I need to edit and light everything...

This weekend will most likely be a ride off but as I said from monday I am just going to power through to the end....No going out untill November 11/11/11

See you on the other side :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011



Saturday, September 17, 2011


So I had a mild breakdown on Friday night at around 4am...I rewrote "Clouded" and kinda changed what it was about...the premis...kinda...I dont really want to go into to much detail cos it makes me feel stressed.

I have re storyboarded and am currently working through shots that I know will be in it regardless until I have figure things out more clearly.

Below is a test for the Chimney clouds, sorry Jack but I've decided to stare away from 3D...I think it looks nice...but might need some further refinements...It's definitely working though.

As I was saying before...I have cut out a few things and added some other things in...Avery now takes Polaroids of his paintings...and hangs them where the book self use to be...Sal has one of these images..
In other news, I am meeting Shenona tomorrow to give her a copy of the RC and the Animatic...which needs that some things have changed..She is going to compose something that can be altered as I have told her the timing isn't 100% locked down. But I will do my best this afternoon to get It a little closer.

I have told work I can only do 3 shifts a week during October, compared to my casual 5 shifts a week ATM.

I am feeling slightly better since Saturday morning...but still overwhelmed and slightly like im drowning...
Will update soon!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Screen Shots from Today

Today I didn't go to Uni and have spent the day working on Clouded.

I ended up making a paint brush as Avery is going to have to paint things...I now need to figure out how he is going to paint the paintings....I think i will do something similar to the way i did my titles last year.

Which leads me to SC2 the next mountain to climb. This is a really important scene as it establishes Avery and his attitude towards his world. This is also a scene where you see him at a lot of deferent angles...and thus he needs beards for all of these i decided to stop procrastinating and actually make his proper beards. Which means I am going to have to replace them in things like his Walk cycle and SC4...but I dont thi
nk it will be to hard.

So after finishing this post I will go replace the beards and then continue to hike up mountain all those shots need beards and paint brushes too.


I played around with lighting this scene a little. I want it to feel warm like sunrise but cold due to the location of the environment. This might be a little green but I do like some of what it's bringing to the table. The sky also looks very dull without any clouds...but It's unavoidable due to the fact he has to paint them before there are clouds in the sky.

Speaking of clouds, I asked Jack about creating the chimney clouds in the time I thought it would be okay but now i think about it more im thinking that maybe I should stick to something more 2D. Seamus had a few ideas so I will do some tests and report back.

I also added some turbulent displace to one of my drawn clouds and it looks pretty interesting... like jelly.

Screen Shots from yesterday

Something weird was going on with my 3D layers in this shot...i managed to fix it but below is the example...also AE keeps crashing and it's pissing me off.

Ive basically finished SC4...but there are things to fix up...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Avery Animation


But in all honesty its ruining my life and some reason AE keeps crashing on least its considerate enough to save before crashing but its still very just frustrating.

So as mentioned above I am animating Avery throwing a canvas
down the chimney...jesus its hard...even with the wonderful reference Darren made me..It probably would have been 100000X quicker to actually hand draw each fr
ame now I think about it but oh late now...I worked on it for about 3 hours yesterday and decided to scrap what i
d done and start again..So i did just that at 8:30 this morning and have only just pretty much finished now (1:45)...

It looks okay...not great...not shit...but okay. I think it's workable...makes the bloody walk cycle feel like an amazing dream...

Anyways I have work pretty soon, so I will upload what I have done (
maybe not a video but ill try)

I'm going to try get some other shots down and work and maybe edit this throw into another shot...

Will keep you updated as usual.

Something weird is going on with exports look completely different to the comp...No videos right now..sorry!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sal Run Cycle (The Beginning)

This took me about....3.5 Its clearly rough...but might possibly work...with a few adjustments. I'm currently waiting for Jack to go over my lesson plan.

Which is:

--> Front run cycle Sal
--> Run cycle Avery - Referring to ASK
--> Place Avery into SC4_SH1
--> Remove SC4_SH2
--> Block out remainder of Running comp with characters

Also I sussed out my Week 10 milestones also:

--> Finish ALL character animation
--> Have begun visual effects (such as: Rain and water, lightning, clouds)
--> Have sky backgrounds completed and ready for cloud animation
--> Have some sound track options (possibly make own in sound track pro + check out unearthed)
--> Confirm with Pip that WTFN will do spot effects (possible long shot)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Avery Walk Cycle

Only took me approx. 4.5 hours this morning but I think I finally have Avery's walk looking okay. The arms dont swing much atm as I was testing the idea of him being one of those weird people who dont move there arms much when the walk. It looks pretty funny, I think I will try and incorporate it...still needs adjusting though.

I have work now, so I might try and get Sal running...I also want to combine the Animation into a background and see how it's looking. I also need to finish adding the character place holders into the animatic..something I will also try to get happening at work tonight.


I decided as from today I am going to start taking pride in this animation and leave behind any bad feelings because there isn't going to be a worse feeling then reget at the screening. I am officially going to give it my all and then at least I tried my hardest regardless of the results. So hopefully with this attitude change I will begin to produce some nice stuff...Lots of visual effects to do, so hopefully I can make something really worth while!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Avery Walk Cycle (The Beginning)

Spent a little while this morning trying again. Still not right but better then last nights attempts. I think ill start again from scratch once more and see what happens. I'm also going to try a few other cycles like a run and a sneak. This might also look weird because its 3/4 puppet doing a profile walk but I am just going to disregard that and continue on my voyage.

Avery Walk Cycle (The Beginning)

Everything about this makes me laugh. His slight limp, his frankenstein arms that dont move, the ridiculously over the top head bob. Will try again tomorrow...hopefully with better results!

Night all! Just taken some sweet night time cold and flu tabs...winning.