Wednesday, June 29, 2011

That moment when things just work...

Finally! It was sometime yesterday when i was making Avery's bed when everything clicked. The texture, the colours and the environment just work. Its such a nice feeling!

Avery's bed added to SC1_SH2
(static prop)

Building the divider (static prop)

and finally...presenting the first completed background for "Clouded"....SC1_SH2

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Props: The Begining

Now i have most of the environmental build down pat i thought i should start on the MANY props for Avery's Chimney.

First off the block..The in progress...

Colour grades

Agh i really enjoy the Sepia one..but i must push through the erge.. Black and Whites not doing anything for me but it could make the rainbow screen much more dramatic. I like the second one its a quite washed out version of the original. It needs to feel like a cold environment and i think the grays really help get that across. Obviously there is no lighting yet but i think i will continue to build the rest of the backgrounds without props and see how it looks.

You may notice that the orignal has sideways posts on the external fence and the others do not. Its another thing im deciding one. I think it looks less busy...but we will see as we go. I think one the there is a shot with the ext fence and the int fence it will make a difference and be much easier to distinguish both.

Seamus made a comment to me early on about how it still look's 3D and not very organic. For ages i tried to stare away from that and make it more organic but eventually ive decided its not an organic environment like last time. There are no trees and grass..its just a big concert mass in the sky. Im not super excited about it looking 3D but i think once the sky is in place and Avery's beard it will soften up a lot (I hope)

Test Background

After many weeks of playing with colours and textures...i have come up with this... still not 100% sold but its getting there...I havent done any lighting or colour grading...hmmm. Decided to add Avery in for good measure. He works as a size comparison for now.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Today i am working on...

Sal's Puppet Build..

Took me a little while to get the textures working right but i think im happy with this. He needed to match Avery a little better so i used a similar paper texture as well as some splatters to make him look more like water/rain. His legs are drips running from his little body which i think is cool. Still need to do profile and 3/4.

Ill finish it off now, and if not at work tonight. Then tomorrow we begin the environment dreading it but i have a few ideas up my sleeve so ill give them a go and report back.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Today i finished...

Avery's puppet build.

It only took 2 and a half sessions to finish over this week, so thats pretty good. Now i just need to sort out his beard so he can stop looking like such a freak.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Today i am working on...

Avery's puppet build.

I have set up a PS doc with all the textures and a colour pallet so everything is in the one place. I have completed the 3/4 and front puppet. The other two are yet to be down and are currently just as a reference.

I think i will start Sal's puppet build either this afternoon or tomorrow. I have made a schedule for the next 7 weeks. It outlines when I'm working and when i will be doing "Clouded Production". So far so good!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

SC9_SH4 Animation Test

Below is my finished animation test. I beard is sub par but it fills its purpose for now. The rain drops need work. I think they need to be a standard shape and size unlike my original plan to have them all different. Over the break i am going to work on getting everything set up and ready to animate. I want to start animating in August. Then all thats to be done is post, around October.

I feel like I'm on track even though i'm doing things differently to most. Anyways enjoy. I have added a few more rain drops for effect.

SC9_SH4 from Isobelle Taylor on Vimeo.