Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Character Pipeline Proof

Character pipline breif

Avery cloud Beard

Step 1

Take 9 pieces of the same coloured paper and scrunch

Step 2

Scrunch and scan and repeat insuring that paper is being layer in the exact same place on scanner


Blue Tack

--> Marked paper

--> Rulers marking area that paper must be placed back into

Step 3

Repeat with 2-3 different coloured pieces of paper

Step 4

Create several different cloud shapes

Step 5

Mark out scanned sequences in cloud shapes. Time remap the clouds sequence with easy ease so they flow nicely into each other.

Step 6

Create a 9 frame loop of beard flowing in Flash

Step 7

Import Flash sequence into AE and mask out now animated cloud shapes inside Flash animated sequence


Paper should move inside cloud shapes inside beard mask


Step 1

Draw Avery head without beard and facial features in PS

Draw a 5 frame head turn

Step 2

Texture Avery face with appropriately coloured paper

Step 3

Import the 5 heads into AE

Step 4

Create controller system which cycles through heads when selected. Key frame each movement

Step 5

Add maker to face

Step 6

Apply animated beard. If angle is incorrect use 3D toll to rotate and adjust


A smooth head turn with a skin colour paper texture. This process is to be repeated for all body parts. Including separate hands i.e. Fist, relaxed, holding etc.

This process will also be utilised for the Rain Drop creatures. They only have heads so it should be a more direct process.


Step 1

Create simple but accurate model in Maya

Step 2

Export as OBJ and import into PS

Step 3

Using PS’s 3D tools navigate to correct camera and perspective angle

Step 4

Zoom out maintaining perspective and angle and draw large panorama (3840 X 2160) Ensuring foreground mid-ground and background is created on separate layers


Environment will be built without clouds. Clouds to be added separately using a similar process to Avery Beard.

Step 5

Texture environment with corresponding paper and export individual layers. Be mindful of props and items that need to be on separate layers so they can be passed in front off and or behind

Step 6

Import layers and items into PS and build environment using 3D and Z depth


The result should be a panoramic background that can be utilised for several shots by zooming and negotiating with an AE camera. This process is to be repeated for all relevant backgrounds. Going by thumbnails there should be around 5 – 7 separate panoramic backgrounds, however some elements can be reused.


Step 1

Take 9 pieces of the same coloured paper and scrunch

Step 2

Scrunch and scan and repeat insuring that paper is being layer in the exact same place on scanner

Step 3

Repeat with 2-3 different coloured pieces of paper

Step 4

Create several different cloud shapes

Step 5

Mark out scanned sequences in cloud shapes. Time remap the clouds sequence with easy ease so they flow nicely into each other.

Step 6

Import sequences into AE. Animate using key frames to suggest they are moving slowly.

** NOTE **

For scenes where the clouds are not fully formed i.e. When they shoot up the Chimney and When the spew from and sucked back into the chimney the process will be slight different. The clouds will not be formed as such rather just masked shapes with heavily feather masks


Step 1

Draw up Avery’s Features in PS

--> All expressions and ensure each feature is on a separate layer

Step 2

Import into AE and turn on Multiply Blending mood

Step 3

Animate facial feature using AF key frames and puppet tools.

Step 4

Time re map features to ensure expression is correct with timing and body movements.

Repeat for Sal and other Rain Drop creatures.


Avery and Sal should have simple but effective facial animation. It should be smoother and better thought out then last year.


Step 1

Add puppet deformer’s character after completing build and controller system.

Step 2

Using the overlay and puppet tool options manipulate the characters movements as per Storyboard. The controller system should be set so the character does not requiring adjustment manually

Step 3

Key frame movements and add Facial animation


The result should ensure an easily controllable puppet that can be animated within the limitations of the controller. It should be reasonably easy to animate after creating the control system, so timing and spacing is important to get correct.

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