Monday, November 14, 2011


Today I am going to do the sound voices and sound effects. Once that is done i want to add rain to scene 9 and also a drop sequence to Sal....then its full HD export time. I have a plan for that so hopefully it goes smoothly. I also need to make a dvd menu...

No sleep!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Only about 7 more shots to animate. How exciting! Hopefully be finished by the end of this week and then 2 weeks for postproduction and editing.

Vimeo has just launched a production music library, so if i have time i will mock up something from there for submission as i dont think Sheona will be finished on time...but she might be...hopefully definitely by the screening!

Going to record Avery and Sal's "voices" tomorrow, if Neale will give me the time...they dont really speak, just make noises so i need to make a sheet up with what i need and for which character.

I can taste the finish line! and it tastes oh so sweet!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Running Edit

So it's 4:20 AM and I'm calling it a night after working an 8 hour day and following it up with 8+ hours of animation. However, I believe it is safe to say "Clouded" should be completed . I have just finished off the first running edit in FCP, granted there is still about 30% incomplete but I think that's an okey amount to work with over the next 3 weeks.

I am sending that edit to Shoena tomorrow so I think in a week or two ill have some basic sound happening!

I am currently estimating running time to be 4.5 minutes, which explains a lot in regards to why this has been so fucking hard compared to last year.

On ward and upward. See everyone Tuesday x

Monday, October 17, 2011

Screening Program

I'm not 100& sure i did this right but i created a page for the screening program. I thing it captures most elements of the film.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Avery Run 01

Avery test run cycle. I will need to Photoshop is Pj's to work with these legs. I think I will create new legs with Pj's attached to each leg and then replace the footage. It should work. Will let you know.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Shot List * Updated

Last night at around 11pm after effects died in a hole. So I went around to Seamus's and fixed it up. That took about 25 minutes. But then at around 4am after a scotch and coke I emerged with a entirely different shot list and slight alter (again) story.

It is as follows:

scene 1

Shot 1 - Fix Fist smash. Only smash once?

Shot 2 – Sal climbs into shot. Focus pull to him climbing Balcony.


Shot 1 – 1 Cloud photo CP

Shot 2 – 2/3 Cloud photos MID

Shot 3 – Mid shot, Avery walks past close to camera

SCENE 2 – Now SC3

Shot 1 – Unchanged

Shot 2 – Tighten animation. Sleave is moving.

Shot 3 – Unchanged

Shot 4 – Add headshake? More aggression/frustration

Shot 5* - Tighter version on SH2. Avery throws brush at Canvas

Shot 6* - Paintbrush rolls outside. Avery’s legs in shot, walks OFS, focus shift to Sal, looking at paintbrush

Shot 7 – Sal places brush on desk, next to lamp. Two hands

Shot 8 – Avery throws canvas down chimney

Shot 9 – Clouds erupt into sky

SCENE 3 – Now SC4

Shot 1 – Tight shot, chimney, Clouds flow into sky

Shot 2 – Clouds form, Raindrops emerge

Shot 3 – Avery watches sky. Blinks

Shot 4 – Watches clouds drift by. Becomes angry.

Shot 5 – Turns back. Takes photo with external flash in other hand

Shot 6* – Fades in from white out, photo prints, corresponding noise

SCENE 4 NEW* - Now SC5

Shot 1 – Avery looks at photo. Begins to anger

Shot 2 – Cut to Avery flicking switch to sad face*

SCENE 5 – Now SC6

Shot 1 – Clouds get sucked out of sky. Rain drops fall.

Shot 2 – Clouds reversing down chimney.

SCENE 6 – Now SC7

Shot 1 – Avery walks past clouds flowing back down chimney

Shot 2 – Avery hangs picture. Pause and settle for longer

Shot 3 – Avery kicks off ladder

Shot 4 – Avery fly’s past

Shot 5 – Avery goes out of shot and back. Longer pause at photo.

Shot 6* - Reaction shot: Avery face Sighs

Shot 7 – Avery slumps into chair, see brush next to lamp

Shot 8 – Same as SC2SH7, Focus pull to Avery in BG. Confused.

SCENE 7 – Now SC8

Shot 1 – Arms and picture

Shot 2 – Sal looks at old photo, then sighs


Lightning not completely black. Just faded then lighting strikes and lights, still leaving dark patches but over exposing what it touches. Strobe effect?

Shot 1 – Bed, sleeping

Shot 2 – Sal into shot, holding picture

Shot 3 – Avery Awake

Shot 4 – Avery walks past beam. Sal from behind beam

Shot 5 – Sal follows after, leaving wet foot prints

Shot 6 – Low angle Avery looking around

Shot 7 – Avery POV, Sal into shot

Shot 8 – Avery reaction, Sal in corner

Shot 9 – Sal falls back down into shot (same as SC9SH7)

Shot 10 – Sal runs from shot, paint pots drop. Avery runs past

Shot 11 * - (Old SC4SH2) Sal runs past, Avery chase

Shot 12 – Sal runs along bed end. Leaves paint footprints

Shot 13 – Sal runs across desk, Avery stumbles on desk tyring to catch Sal

Shot 14 – (Old SC6SH3) Sal stands on Chimney rail, looks back

Shot 15 – Avery yells out for him to wait

Shot 16 - (Old SC6SH3, adjust from shot14) Sal swings arms back ready to jump

Shot 17 – Avery grabs picture

Shot 18 – Sal falls down chimney and photos catches wind and floats down

Shot 19 - (Old SC6SH3, adjust from shot16) Avery watches the photo catch wind and float down

Shot 20* – Top view, down chimney, photo slowly falls down, fading into darkness. Pause at end then slight glint of light.

Shot 21 – Avery stands and watches clouds spew from chimney


Shot 1 – Avery stands on balcony looking at sky

Shot 2 – CU of Avery face. Amazed

Shot 3 – Sal falls into shot photo floats down after him

Shot 4 – Avery bends down for photo, returns holding it. Sal joins him at the railing. Avery points to him self and Sal nods

Shot 5 – Avery is holding photo up. Drops to reveal sky same as image.


Shot 1 – Avery places old image into frame. Kicks ladder out of shot.

Roll credits