Monday, November 14, 2011


Today I am going to do the sound voices and sound effects. Once that is done i want to add rain to scene 9 and also a drop sequence to Sal....then its full HD export time. I have a plan for that so hopefully it goes smoothly. I also need to make a dvd menu...

No sleep!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Only about 7 more shots to animate. How exciting! Hopefully be finished by the end of this week and then 2 weeks for postproduction and editing.

Vimeo has just launched a production music library, so if i have time i will mock up something from there for submission as i dont think Sheona will be finished on time...but she might be...hopefully definitely by the screening!

Going to record Avery and Sal's "voices" tomorrow, if Neale will give me the time...they dont really speak, just make noises so i need to make a sheet up with what i need and for which character.

I can taste the finish line! and it tastes oh so sweet!