Sunday, July 17, 2011

Avery Puppet Updated

I've decided that since Avery's is seen in bed a few times he needs Pj's.

16 Backgrounds and counting....

Had a few ideas regarding the clouds...i think it will be way different to how i first imagined it. Will do some tests and upload.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

More Bakgrounds...

Still chipping away at the backgrounds...I've completed 8 out of about 20...which when you put it like doesn't seem like much. Around 2.5 weeks until we are back at uni and 3.5 until I'm off to America. I think i will take my laptop with me so at least i have the option.

My POA for the next 3 weeks is to basically get all the backgrounds that I have references for completed and then to begin the Animation...I think i will just start with the key posses and work my way through. From there i still need to do:

--> The Sky/Clouds
--> Avery's Beard
--> The Lightning sequence
--> The dream sequences
--> The rainbow sequence

and probably about 10000000 more other things....

But look...ahhh prettty...Avery looks a bit spesh...just chucked him in again as a reference...

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Finally backgrounds are in full swing. I just going at a steady pace doing maybe 1.5 a day... I dont have references for all my props so some of them might have to be added a bit later but at least the general form for the shot is coming together...dont want to upload too much to the blog at this some things remain a bit of a mystery! BUT i will show you this one...

Avery is not in the right place, he basically just works as a size reference atm