Thursday, April 28, 2011

Clouded Animatic

The animatic has now been uploaded to the Animatic Tab. The sound track is rough for now but will be updated when possible. The credits are also not included..they haven't been storyboarded yet butt basically they reveal the rainbow to the audience...i think its okay for this to happen in the credits as its not the rainbow that helps him appreciate his own talent but the unlikely friendship in Sal that forces him to realize his art is appreciated by others...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Storyboard and Model Sheet

I have uploaded a version of my Storyboard to the "Storyboard Page". Its finished but it doesnt have shot types or lenght.

I have also completed Avery's Model sheet. Im pretty happy with him and i think his colours are working. I will test some other colour coats, it pretty easy as the only thing that changes is the paper in his jacket.

It would make sense for him to be wearing PJ's when he is woken at night but i think it might get too complicated and perhaps it just makes sense that he puts a coat on before getting up..maybe its like his dressing grown?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Holidays Update

Seamus got me onto this. Its pretty bang on for what i was wanting for Avery's colour dreams. I will google how to make it in AE. Once i have my music i will be able to get the visualisation of it and it should match pretty well!

In other news, my animatic is finished minus the sound. Not sure what music track I'm going to use as my sound guy wont be able to start until i finish my animatic and etc.

I am going to send him some samples from Sound Booth and see what he can do with them.

Over the break i plan to finish:

Storyboard - its finished but just needs the written work

Animatic - Still working on sound track

Colour Pallet - Laying it out better and refining it slightly

Model sheets - i have finished Avery's and now just need one for Sal

Backgrounds/Concept art - I have an OBJ of my environment so i might mock up some better concept art.

After doing the pipeline proof i have a few theories i want to test, so i will also be working on those, they basically just lay with the background.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Colour Pallet

Over the last 24 hours ive made some changes. The clouds will no longer be paper, while they may have a srunched paper texture they will be an animated feature. The same princable apply's to Avery's Beard Avery and Sal wont swim inside there textures, rather one element of them will and the rest will be painted in PS. Here is a colour pallet i just mocked up.

Maya Set

Avery's chimney is currently under construction.