Thursday, February 24, 2011

Edward Rocha is my new best friend

Basically Ed has just solved the entire problem regarding layout. When people read my script I felt like they had no idea of the world I was describing...I haven’t been able to express it visually…BUT NOT ANYMORE.

Forever in debt!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


For the 10th time i have added a new ending. I am currently happy with it but i feel like i am also being dismissive now because i want it finished.

I am happy with 3 pages. I think thats a realistic lenght. It will challange me as last year was only 2 pages but whats a graduate film without challange and new ventures.

I have uploaded D10 to the script tab. It will probably change again as i havent had Troy read it yet but for the time being it will do.

I am really keen to start drawing and thumbnailling but i also feel like i have to do things in order which is really annoying. I am going to start thumbnail now but i also want to get some pretty tight model sheets happerning by the end of the weekend.

Will spend Saturday doing Pre Production. I am currently in good sprits about this but everything could change after this afternoons class.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Soo this has to be about draft 9 but i am starting again from scratch. I have taken a deep breath and now feel like its not being forced.

I wrote out a rough treatment and am now just re typing that into Celtx. It is flowing better now.

Clever editing is defiantly going to be my friend this year.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Adobe CS5 Master Collection

Really looking fwd to using some of the really cool new tools this software offers. I have been watching some tutorials and the technology is amazing! Will play around tomorrow and upload the results!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Microsoft Notepad!

Deep breaths....bascially i just reformatted my computer and reinstalled all my software...i just discovered this! ITS PROBABLY THE MOST EXCITING THING EVER!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sal early Development

Sal is the main minion. Im not sure if minion is the right world but it beats righting rain drop creature every time. I am thinking all the others will be variations of him, but with a different colour toper and sizes. All pastels but cloudy pinks and blues and yellows etc.

I think i like the moustache on him, but i don't think all of them should have it. I like the idea of it moving up and down when they make noises. At the moment i prefer him with no outline and darker but that cloud all change when i get other opinions.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mood Board

I recently purchased 3 large cork boards. Originally i just made 1 huge board of images i liked. I wasn't a huge fan of how it looked so that soon got scrapped.

After redoing them they look like this:
I want to use one side for character and one for background. The colour wheels are palates from bunnings. Im thinking of using the colour numbers in PS and if that doesn't work scanning them in as is and using them to paint backgrounds/characters. I will go back and get more now i have a better idea of the mood (thanks to the mood board) I need more whites and blues (for the clouds) and greys and browns for the chimney.

Avery early development

Drew this up last night. Its probably to early to say but i want him to look like this. Im thinking yellow rain jacket with black pants/boots. I thought it would be cool if he beard was made out of clouds....he definitely needs eye brows if he eyes are just going to be dots.